Eagle Information

This information is an explanation of the process and paperwork required to achieve the eagle rank advancement for eagle candidates, parents, and scout leaders. One of the skills eagle candidates need to demonstrate is the ability to break their project into smaller, bite-sized phases. This document attempts to do the same with the eagle process. 
  1. Get up to speed – The eagle candidates and parents (and eagle coaches and scout committees) should read the eagle project workbook from cover to cover to better understand what is expected. The current workbook can be downloaded from http://utahscouts.doubleknot.com/information/eagle-rank/21781
  2. Idea phase – The candidate explores different project possibilities with parents and an eagle coach. Especially consider skills the candidate already possesses or organizations that the candidate has an interest in helping. Usually asking the organization about project they would like to have done is more fruitful than approaching the organization with a pre-determined project. The eagle coach helps ensure the project meets the qualifications for a good eagle project. Remember that projects are evaluated primarily in terms of impact, with emphasis on planning, development, and leadership.
  3. Write the Proposal – The candidate fills out the contact and proposal sections of the project workbook. Handwritten forms are discouraged. Download the Eagle Scout Project Workbook from the council eagle page, and fill in the necessary sections. Save the file to your computer first, then open it to fill it in. (If you don't save it first you will probably lose your work.)
  4. Proposal Pre-Approval – The candidate sends his completed form to his project coach. A list of coaches for each ward is included at the end of this page. If it meets their approval, the coach send send the document to Lundgrens in the 12th ward. Andrew and Nichole Lundgren are members of the Alpine District Advancement Committee, and can give you a more definitive opinion if your proposal is ready.
  5. Signatures – Once the proposal is pre-approved the candidate prints his project workbook through the approval section. He then gets 4 (of the 5) of the approval signatures – his own, his scout leader, the scout committee chair, and a representative for the benefiting organization.
  6. Formal Approval – Once the candidate has collected 4 of the 5 approval signatures, the candidate presents his project to an approval committee during the district approval night to secure the final signature. Approval night is held the first Thursday of every month at 7:00pm at the Alpine Stake Center (on the round about in Alpine). There is a sign in sheet in the west foyer. Parents are encouraged to attend with candidates. Candidates must bring their workbook with them. He should wear his uniform if he has one that fits, otherwise his Sunday best.
  7. Final plan – The final plan in the project workbook helps the candidate continue planning his project. Though optional, it is highly recommended that the candidate complete this section with his parents and review it with his project coach.
  8. Project phase – The candidate completes the project, making sure to keep careful notes of money spent and volunteers hours.
  9. Project write up – The candidate fills out the remainder of the project workbook, reporting lessons learned, money spent, and volunteer hours.
  10. Get a Member summary report – The project coach and committee advancement chair provide the candidate with a Member Summary Report of merit badges, rank advancements, and join dates. This is the official advancement record. Printouts from TroopMaster or other software are unacceptable. The Member Summary report is obtained from ScoutNet. You will be able to get everything from this report but your actual join dates. (Note: Your join dates are not your birthday. After your birthday you started attending another scout group, but the join date is the date your application is processed.)
  11. Eagle Application – The candidate fills out the eagle application using the information from his member summary report. You will not yet know your join dates, so leave those dates empty. Handwritten forms are discouraged. The current eagle application can be downloaded from the council website. Save the form first, then open and edit it.
  12. Statement of leadership, goals/ambitions – Requirement 6 on the eagle form asks the candidate to type his life goals and ambitions and a list of leadership positions he has had. One way to do this is to start with major life events and work backwards to the present day. The document should be a valiant effort and should be about one printed page. One purpose of this statement is to show that the candidate recognizes how his decisions and actions now affect his future goals.
  13. Turn in paperwork – Before his 18th birthday, the candidate should turn in to his eagle guide: his project workbook, the eagle application, the member summary report, and his eagle rank application (with blank join dates).
  14. Letters of recommendation – The project coach is responsible for soliciting letters of recommendation from the people the scout indicated on his eagle application. Letters should not be solicited by the candidates and should not be solicited before the project coach has the eagle packet. Once the letters have been received, the coach turns in the packet (all of the paperwork received from the candidate, plus the letters of recommendation) to the Lundgrens.
  15. Board of Review – The Lundgrens reviews the eagle packet to verify that everything is correct. If everything is in order they schedule a Eagle Board of Review for the candidate on the fourth Thursday of the month. Boards of review are normally held at the Manila Stake Center and last about an hour. During the board of review the candidate reviews his project and the lessons he learned from it. The board also asks questions about the life goals and ambitions statement and scouting in general. The board of review can take place up to three months after the candidate’s 18th birthday.

Contact information is available in the directory from LDS.ORG. 

Andrew and Nicole Lundgren are the Alpine District Advancement Committee members for the Manila Stake. They reside in the 12th ward. 

WardEagle Coach(es)
1Troy Walker and Brad Wilson
5Dan Stuart
8Mark Howard

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