Deacon Encampment 2018

We are excited for our Deacons to be able to attend this special event at Tifie June 14-16.

Post Camp Pictures:
(Please feel free to add your own if you were there.)

Presentation Slides:

View on google docs

Who can attend:
All Deacons ages 12,13 as well as anyone 11 years old at the time of the camp who will be going into 6th grade.  All Deacon's Quorum advisers are invited to attend.

Medical Forms:
Since Tifie is a council scout camp, normal scout medical forms are required.  You must fill out parts A, B and C.  Here is the medical form.  Parts A and B are filled out by parents and part C must be filled out by your family physician or physician's assistant.

Scout medical forms are good for 1 year.  If you have a medical form that was completed after June 16, 2017, you may provide a copy of that form instead of filling out new forms.

The cost is $145 for each boy and $135 for each leader.  We highly encourage the boys to work provide this cost.  Wards my propose fundraisers to help.  Funds will be payable to your ward and wards will forward the money on to the stake.


  1. At the meeting last night (Sun, 3/11), we were told to register by April 1. I thought there would be a link on this site, but I don't see one. How do we get our boys registered?

  2. Thanks for the question Melissa. You just need to let your Encampment Representative or Scoutmaster know you are planning on going. They will take care of the actual registration.
