November 30, 2018

Stake Priest/Laurel Activity

January 12, 2019
Location: Mahogany Building
Who: All priests and laurels
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 AM.

Please invite all your priests and laurels to attend.  There will be fun/games and a thought as well as food!

2019 High Adventure Approvals

The Stake Presidency looks forward to meeting with the young men of the stake; we are excited to hear about the spiritual and physical preparation planned for their 2019 High Adventure.  Please use the Annual Plan and High Adventure templates for a presentation from the following shared folder.
Please see this spreadsheet for your wards scheduled time:
Each ward is scheduled for a 60 minute time frame on one of the scheduled days.  Each ward may meet together or may divide the time between the teacher and priest quorums appropriately.  It is not necessary to use the entire hour.  If your ward can’t meet during the scheduled time, please let us know right away.  We can swap with another ward or use the 16th as a make up day if no other time will work.

Multi Stake YM/YW Dance