November 30, 2018

Stake Priest/Laurel Activity

January 12, 2019
Location: Mahogany Building
Who: All priests and laurels
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 AM.

Please invite all your priests and laurels to attend.  There will be fun/games and a thought as well as food!

2019 High Adventure Approvals

The Stake Presidency looks forward to meeting with the young men of the stake; we are excited to hear about the spiritual and physical preparation planned for their 2019 High Adventure.  Please use the Annual Plan and High Adventure templates for a presentation from the following shared folder.
Please see this spreadsheet for your wards scheduled time:
Each ward is scheduled for a 60 minute time frame on one of the scheduled days.  Each ward may meet together or may divide the time between the teacher and priest quorums appropriately.  It is not necessary to use the entire hour.  If your ward can’t meet during the scheduled time, please let us know right away.  We can swap with another ward or use the 16th as a make up day if no other time will work.

Multi Stake YM/YW Dance

October 21, 2018

Multi-Stake Priest/Laurel Fireside

Youth Devotional
Cedar hills, cedar hills west, Highland central, highland east, highland south and pleasant grove manila stakes

Saturday, November 10, 2018
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Highland Utah East Stake Center
4679 W 11000 N Highland UT  84003

Brothers and Sisters,

Elder David A. Bednar, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has invited your Laurels and
Priests to a special devotional to be held the evening of November 10, 2018, following the Leadership Conference that will be held earlier that day. Robert C. Gay, Presidency of the Seventy, will accompany him. Please encourage their attendance so they can feel and hear the Lord’s voice through His anointed

Elder Dale H. Munk 

Who is invited? 
  • Priests and Laurels ONLY
  • Stake Presidents and Counselors
  • Stake YW Presidents and Counselors
  • Stake YM Presidents and Counselors
  • Bishops / Branch Presidents

Special request:  
  • Have the youth come prepared with questions that are weighing on their minds 
  • Bring scriptures & pen / paper for note taking  
  • Please be seated by 4:30 PM sharp! (Saving seats will not be permitted)

September 8, 2018

LIfe to Eagle Fireside

What:  The Manila Stake is Hosting a Life to Eagle Fireside
Where:  Manila Stake Center

When: September 23, 2018 at 7:00pm 

Why/Who:  This is put on by the Stake every six months and is and excellent opportunity to have your young men AND their parents learn about the Life to Eagle process in person.   This process is daunting to most young men and to be successful many young men need the support of you as their Eagle guide and their parents as we partner to help enable these you men to succeed with their Eagle projects.   

In the past we have had several great questions asked and answered, and the learning that takes place in this meeting saves scouts and families countless hours.  This meeting will help spur interest and action and makes a difficult process more understandable for the parents and more attainable for the young men.

Please share this with your Bishopric and Young Men’s Presidency and Advisors.  President Jepsen has asked that the Eagle guides in each ward personally reach out to each of the young men in your ward that is working towards their Eagle or is thinking about an Eagle project in the next 6-12 months. President Jepsen has also asked that each attend to learn and share your learning with others. 

Refreshments will be provided by the Stake Young Men’s Presidency.

May the Lord bless you as you guide and encourage the young men in your stewardship, 

Kelly Warner
Stake Eagle Coach Coordinator

September 2, 2018

September 18 - High Adventure Showcase

This year’s High Adventure Showcase night is September 18th 

Where: Stake Center Cultural Hall.
When: September 18, 7-8 pm (but feel free to come as early as 6 to set up so we can start right at 7)
Who: All YM/YW 14-18

* Each Group that went on a High Adventure should plan on creating a presentation.  Example: if the Teachers/Priests went on separate activities, they should each present but if they were combined it’s OK to have their own presentation.  The young men and women should take an active part in preparing and presenting the presentations.

* All YM/YW and leaders are invited to gather information from other wards in the stake for next years activities.  Take notes on ideas for things you may be interested in doing.

* We have a template page for each group to fill out and share with other interested parties.

*  Please make a couple copies for others to look at during the showcase but then create a DIGITAL copy that you can share with everyone.

*  In addition, please make preparations for a laptop computer and/or external monitor/phone etc that you can show pictures or video from your activity.  You’re welcome to look at any of the previous years presentations as examples:

If you have any questions, please let us know!

July 29, 2018

September 22 Merit Badge Roundup

The September 2018 Roundup will be on the 22nd at 8:00 AM

There are two merit badges to choose from at 8:00 and another two at 10:00.  Please come prepared with pencil/notepad and a bluecard (signed by your scoutmaster.)

  Mahogany Building
  1320 West 3540 North, Pleasant Grove UT

8:00 AM
  Citizenship in the Community
    Please print a packet for this merit badge:


10:00 AM


April 8, 2018

Girls Camp YCL Survey

For girls camp we will be using our YCL's a little differently than in years past. We will have 30 YCL's with each camp year. We want each of you to get the chance to work as leaders at camp and we want you to have control of where you get to lead and who you get to be with. 

Please fill out the survey below so we can make sure you are where you want to be at camp:

March 18, 2018

April 28th Stake Merit Badge Roundup

The April 2018 Roundup will be on the 28th at 8:00 AM

There are two merit badges to choose from at 8:00 and another two at 10:00.  Please come prepared with pencil/notepad and a bluecard (signed by your scoutmaster.)

  Mahogany Building
  1320 West 3540 North, Pleasant Grove UT

8:00 AM

   First Aid

10:00 AM
  1. Interview a relative or family acquaintance (by phone, email, or letter) - Requirement #3
  2. Login to FamilySearch and Remember Your Password!
  3. You are encouraged to bring a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. 
  4. Here is the Genealogy Pamplet. Download this onto your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Hardcopies will be provided for those that don't want to use electronics.

January 8, 2018

Stake Merit Badge Roundup

The February 2018 Roundup will be on the 10th at 8:00 AM

There are two merit badges to choose from at 8:00 and another two at 10:00.  Please come prepared with pencil/notepad and a bluecard (signed by your scoutmaster.)

  Mahogany Building
  1320 West 3540 North, Pleasant Grove UT

8:00 AM

  Citizenship in the World
     Please Complete Requirement 7 at home.

10:00 AM
    Please complete requirements 4,5,6 from the worksheet if you want to complete this merit badge at the roundup.
  Entrepreneurship Worksheet

  Computers (Edit: Updated to Digital Technology)
    Please Complete Requirements 6 and 7 at home.

Stake Priest/Laurel Activity

January 20, 2018

Games/Fun/QA Session
Lunch Provided.

Canyon Heights Building
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Please invite all your Priests and Laurels to attend.