February 14, 2017

Finding YOUR Faith in Christ - Orem Institute

We invite the youth of your stake (ages 12-18) to attend a musical production, "Finding YOUR Faith in Christ" on Wednesday, April 19 and Wednesday, April 26. Come early for a good seat and activities from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. The show will start at 7:00 p.m. This will be performed by the Orem Institute Singers. Refreshments will be provided. If you are interested in having your youth participate, please contact us with an approximate count. Make your reservations by calling the Institute at 801-764-3000 or LaDean Gillman at 801-764-3009. 

February 4, 2017

Trek Choir

Dear YW and YM Presidencies and affiliates-

We really need your immediate help to "Light the Fire with youth Trek Choir!"  Skip to the steps if you're in a hurry! ;-) 1) Invite, 2) Send, 3) Announce!  The Choir will consist of as many youth as would like to join the Stake Trek Choir.  In addition, (to make sure we have enough to cover all the parts) we have asked each ward to provide 2 young women and 2 young men (4 total) to commit to coming to practices and act as representatives for their ward.  Practices will begin a week from today- Feb. 9th at 7 pm, to be held at the Mahogany primary room.  (The building off of 1450 W and about 3500 N).

We don't have any time to lose as we are beginning practices this Thursday and we need to get the word out and assignments made.  Please do this as soon as you possibly can! 

One of the most unifying things we can do is to sing together, and one of the greatest opportunities for the Spirit to testify is through music.  

Since the entire purpose of doing a Stake Trek is to give the youth opportunities to build their faith and strengthen their relationship to God, it makes sense that singing with the Youth Trek Choir would be one of the greatest opportunities to feel the spirit and build unity and friendship within the stake.  

Prayer, fasting, care and great effort have been put into choosing music that will invite the presence of the Holy Ghost and inspire the Youth to fuel their faith in their Heavenly Father.  The Lord has something important for everyone in the songs that will be sung both in firesides and practices.  

We need you to do the following ASAP:

1) INVITE- If you haven't already done so, please invite two members of YW and two of YM to be committed members of the Manila Stake Trek Youth Choir.

2) SEND- the names to Stephanie Ann Johns (11th Ward - Email available on lds.org)  Contact info would be greatly appreciated (emails, cell phone numbers).

3) ANNOUNCE- Please inform everyone of when and where practices will be held (Thursday nights, primary room, Mahogany ward until March 12th, beginning Feb. 9th). Please put it in your ward printed bulletins, and give it some attention every week in your opening exercises until March 12th

4) Please listen to this theme song and play it often at all gatherings. Everyone should have a copy of the basic version of the song. 

SIDE NOTE:  We want everyone to memorize "Come Come Ye Saints" as you will be singing it at a special meeting on the trail, as well as various other meetings.  We will provide a special prize/treat incentive for all who memorize this hymn (all verses).  Whatever you can do to encourage singing this and memorizing it would be appreciated.  

**** EASY PEASY JUST FOR YOU for your Ward and Mutual bulletins and announcements: Just hit COPY AND PASTE and send to your reps! NOW! ;-)  

All youth 14-18 are invited to join the Manila Stake YOUTH TREK CHOIR (age 14-18) 
WHEN: Join us every Thursday night at 7 pm (Feb. 9th- March 12th).  WHERE?  Primary room, Mahogany Building.  


Lindy Taylor
6th Ward