October 29, 2017

Youth Fling 14+

Instead of a "Traditional" Stake Dance on the 4th, we'll be having a little bit of a "Fling".  There will still be music and dancing, but it will be more of a party than a dance.  There will Games, Contests and of course, lots of great food.  Also PRIZES. 

 * Ping Pong
 * Spike Ball
 * Group Contests

Location: Stake Center
Date/Time: November 4th, 7:00-11:00 PM

Come, bring your friends!

September 13, 2017

2018 High Adventure Presentations

October High Adventure Presentations for 2018

Each Teacher and Priest Quorum should begin their 2018 HA planning to present to the Stake Presidency starting in mid-October. Please use the linked templates as a guide to bring focus to your Purpose, Key Objectives, Organization, Theme, and activity plan. Feel free to change the slides, but keep the topic flow as in the template. As instructed for the new Teacher Priest program, please come prepared to share you 2018 annual plan.

Annual Plan resources:
High Adventure Presentation Templates

September 10, 2017

High Adventure Showcase

  Manila Stake Center 

Time: 7:00 PM
  • Wards should each bring five dozen treats per ward to be given out at the table of their display.
  • Each ward YM/YW will share a table/area. I'll print up ward signs for each table.
  • Wards can bring displays, videos on laptops/tablets, pictures, items used, tri-folds, etc., to make sharing fun and inviting.
  • Bring 50 copies of their event and be prepared to electronically send
  • Youth should be prepared to share
  • Wards come at 6:30pm to set up, runs from 7:00pm-8:00pm
    Each ward bring about 50 paper copies as well as have it electronically available on a phone/tablet that someone can email or text on the spot. We'd like to collect the electronic copies as a stake. Would allow us to create a stake library of these for future use.

Stake Merit Badge Roundup - September 23rd

The September 2017 Roundup will be on the 23rd at 8:00 AM

There are two merit badges to choose from at 8:00 and another two at 10:00.  Please come prepared with pencil/notepad and a bluecard (signed by your scoutmaster.)

  Mahogany Building
  1320 West 3540 North, Pleasant Grove UT

  8:00 AM
    Personal Management

  10:00 AM
    Citizenship in the Community
       (Find handouts/material here)
    Environmental Science

(Don't forget there are treats!)

April 2, 2017

Barn Dance

As part of the trek experience, the trek committee has prepared some dances they would like to teach us. Please incorporate these dates into your mutual schedules.  

Tuesday- May 9th 
Stake Center wards mutual 

Wednesday- May 10th 
Mahogany Building wards mutual

Tuesday- May 16th 
Manila Building wards mutual 

Wednesday- May 17th
Canyon Heights building wards mutual 

The dances will be held at the Schow Barn by the manila building. 

The Schows barn address:
3548 North 900 West 
Pleasant Grove
*Parking at Manila church available and walking to the barn if needed.

For more information contact Natalie Willardson in the 4th ward. 

March 4, 2017

April 2017 Merit Badge Roundup

The April 2017 merit badge roundup will occur on April 22, 2017, at the Mahogany Building (1320 West 3540 North, Pleasant Grove UT), from 8am to Noon. 

Four merit badges will be presented, two at 8am and two at 10am. The merit badges are: 

8:00 AM
  • Personal Fitness
  • (Second merit badge cancelled)
10:00 AM
  • Sports
  • Emergency Preparedness 
Please register for the event so we can determine supplies and communicate and pre-requisites. You can register by clicking HERE

Scouting for Food on March 18, 2017


Could you please contact your Scoutmasters and remind them about Scouting for Food on March 18, 2017. The Cub Scouts have the door hangers to pass out to the homes the week before the collection. The attached flyer has the address where to drop off the food and the time to pick up the food from homes.  Thanks for your help.
Any questions call me.
Greg Seibold | District Director

Older Boy Program Info and Program Features 1,2,3


Last night at our relations committee meeting the following information was presented. 

While at Philmont 18 months ago President Owen (General YM President) indicated that there was a change of approach in the works to the 14-18 year old programs. The attached information appears to be the fruit of fasting, prayer and inspired councils. Some of this material was available before but is now conveniently compiled into one location. 

There are some wonderful templates and materials to help a quorum develop a meaningful program. Please see the attached information along with the three volumes of Program Features. 

As we strive to lead our young men to Christ, the brethren have outlined three goals for leaders of young men to follow:

1. Be with them
2. Connect them with heaven
3. Let them lead

Certainly much of what is listed here is already taking place in so many ways. These principles consistently and prayerfully applied will continue to have an enormous impact on our youth. In the coming months we will be following up with additional training. 

We are so very grateful for your steadfast and inspired efforts.

President McAllister

Serving 14-18 year-olds training
Young Men Auxiliary Trianing
Program Features Volume 1
Program Features Volume 2
Program Features Volume 3

Trek Fireside March 12

Stake Trek Fireside 

March 12, 2017
Stake Center

The Stake Youth Council has organized a fireside for youth and families about trek. The purpose of the fireside is to presented about fitness, dress, and answer other questions regarding trek. 

AF Seminary Registration 2017-18

Regarding Seminary Registration for 2017-18,

Please encourage seminary registration for students in your stake and ward- immediately.

*Note the order of American Fork High School registration dates:

2017-18 school year:
12th grade- Mar. 3rd
11th grade- Mar. 24th
10th grade- Apr. 25th

*Students who attend schools other than AF High- must contact that school for registration dates.

Please contact every parent with a current 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th grade student and help them begin the registration process. Please encourage parents to have MySeminary registration information filled out or the paper registration form (see attached) turned in by March 31, 2017.

Through MySeminary.lds.org, you as a priesthood leaders can see the students in your stake and ward and their progress in seminary.

This link https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cbn63I61Wm will help you navigate MySeminary.

Attention Clerks: When filling out the information at myseminary.lds.org, help parents understand that this is not the end of the registration process. Parents and students will need to register at their School (skyward) for the class period the student would like to take seminary next year 2017-2018. If students in your stake and ward attend homeschool, online, or private school, etc. please have them contact the seminary to enroll in a class.

If you have any questions, contact American Fork Seminary at 801-763-4530. Please refer to the attachment for suggestions on promoting registration and FAQ’s.

Thank you for your help.

Annette Ostergaard, Secretary

February 14, 2017

Finding YOUR Faith in Christ - Orem Institute

We invite the youth of your stake (ages 12-18) to attend a musical production, "Finding YOUR Faith in Christ" on Wednesday, April 19 and Wednesday, April 26. Come early for a good seat and activities from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. The show will start at 7:00 p.m. This will be performed by the Orem Institute Singers. Refreshments will be provided. If you are interested in having your youth participate, please contact us with an approximate count. Make your reservations by calling the Institute at 801-764-3000 or LaDean Gillman at 801-764-3009. 

February 4, 2017

Trek Choir

Dear YW and YM Presidencies and affiliates-

We really need your immediate help to "Light the Fire with youth Trek Choir!"  Skip to the steps if you're in a hurry! ;-) 1) Invite, 2) Send, 3) Announce!  The Choir will consist of as many youth as would like to join the Stake Trek Choir.  In addition, (to make sure we have enough to cover all the parts) we have asked each ward to provide 2 young women and 2 young men (4 total) to commit to coming to practices and act as representatives for their ward.  Practices will begin a week from today- Feb. 9th at 7 pm, to be held at the Mahogany primary room.  (The building off of 1450 W and about 3500 N).

We don't have any time to lose as we are beginning practices this Thursday and we need to get the word out and assignments made.  Please do this as soon as you possibly can! 

One of the most unifying things we can do is to sing together, and one of the greatest opportunities for the Spirit to testify is through music.  

Since the entire purpose of doing a Stake Trek is to give the youth opportunities to build their faith and strengthen their relationship to God, it makes sense that singing with the Youth Trek Choir would be one of the greatest opportunities to feel the spirit and build unity and friendship within the stake.  

Prayer, fasting, care and great effort have been put into choosing music that will invite the presence of the Holy Ghost and inspire the Youth to fuel their faith in their Heavenly Father.  The Lord has something important for everyone in the songs that will be sung both in firesides and practices.  

We need you to do the following ASAP:

1) INVITE- If you haven't already done so, please invite two members of YW and two of YM to be committed members of the Manila Stake Trek Youth Choir.

2) SEND- the names to Stephanie Ann Johns (11th Ward - Email available on lds.org)  Contact info would be greatly appreciated (emails, cell phone numbers).

3) ANNOUNCE- Please inform everyone of when and where practices will be held (Thursday nights, primary room, Mahogany ward until March 12th, beginning Feb. 9th). Please put it in your ward printed bulletins, and give it some attention every week in your opening exercises until March 12th

4) Please listen to this theme song and play it often at all gatherings. Everyone should have a copy of the basic version of the song. 

SIDE NOTE:  We want everyone to memorize "Come Come Ye Saints" as you will be singing it at a special meeting on the trail, as well as various other meetings.  We will provide a special prize/treat incentive for all who memorize this hymn (all verses).  Whatever you can do to encourage singing this and memorizing it would be appreciated.  

**** EASY PEASY JUST FOR YOU for your Ward and Mutual bulletins and announcements: Just hit COPY AND PASTE and send to your reps! NOW! ;-)  

All youth 14-18 are invited to join the Manila Stake YOUTH TREK CHOIR (age 14-18) 
WHEN: Join us every Thursday night at 7 pm (Feb. 9th- March 12th).  WHERE?  Primary room, Mahogany Building.  


Lindy Taylor
6th Ward

January 28, 2017

Seminary Morningside

The next morning side will be held February 10th at 6:30 am at the church by the AF High School driving range.

The morning side will be presented by the American Fork Central Stake.  The speaker will be Brad Frost, first counselor in the stake presidency. 

Refreshments will be provided before the meeting starting at 6:20 am.

All youth of seminary age are invited to attend.

January 8, 2017

Ward Young Men Secretaries

As the stake young men presidency has tried to visit and train each of the ward young men presidencies, we are frequently asked by the secretaries how they can magnify their callings. This brief article is to help the secretaries know the duties as outlined in the handbook, and other practical ways to help. 

The ward young men responsibilities are outlined on lds.org
  • Prepare agendas, take notes, and record assignments made during presidency meetings. 
  • Train new quorum secretaries, and work out a system with them to gather attendance information. This information is submitted quarterly to the ward clerk. Review the information regularly with the presidency. 
  • Remind bishop, executive secretary, and presidency members of quorum members and 11-year-olds who have birthdays approaching, and will be eligible to advance quorums. 
  • May be assigned to help record Duty To God progress.
  • Can help with budgets and account for expenses
Other practical suggestions include - 
  • As a dual calling on Young Men's secretary and a member of the scout committee, you could ensure that all Young Men Leaders as properly registered with BSA, and are current with the Youth Protection training. You can see these positions at my.scouting.org. Brian Rawlings (12th ward) can train you how to use this tool. 
  • Ensure that all Life Scouts have a current scout leadership position. 1st assistant in the priest's quorum is an aaronic priesthood position, not a valid scouting position. 
  • Secretaries can be asked to help with quorum lessons. 
  • Secretaries can help keep merit badge counselor information. 
Secretaries are a member of the young men presidency. As such they should be praying for the young men and leaders in the ward, and are entitled to receive revelation how they can help individuals the organizations accomplish the purposes of the Aaronic priesthood. 

If you are, or have been a ward young men secretary, please leave a note below describing how you were able to magnify your calling - and the tips you picked up along the way that helped you be more effective. 

Roundtable February 2017

Roundtable is at our stake center this year, at 7pm, on the first Thursday of each month. 

February's meeting will be a combined meeting with all groups in the chapel and cultural hall. Three mission presidents are going to talk about qualities that make good missionaries, and how scouting can help. All young men leaders are invited to attend. 

January 7, 2017

First Aid Merit Badge Roundup

The next stake Merit Badge Roundup will be - 

February 25, 2017
8:30 - 12:00 AM  (Donuts at 8:15)
Mahogany Building 

This roundup is different as it will focus solely on the First Aid merit badge. The medical committee for Trek is presenting the merit badge both for a merit badge and as preparation for Trek. As such, ALL YOUTH are invited to attend - all young men and young women. 

Click here to register and let us know you are coming. 

All of the scouts wanting to earn the merit badge will need to bring a first aid kit they have put together. Here are a link to the items it should contain. 

Life to Eagle Fireside

A "Life to Eagle" fireside will be held -

February 12, 2017
Manila Chapel (by the pond) 

The purpose of the fireside is to explain what makes a good eagle project, how to get one approved, and the various paperwork involved. Scouts, parents, and leaders of scouts who are currently life scouts are encouraged to attend. 

P.S. One of the requirements for eagle is to serve for 6 months in a scout leadership position. Priest's Quorum Assistant is NOT a scout position. If you are a life scout, do you have a scout leadership position? That is something you could identify right now. 

Eagle Boards January 2017

Eagle boards of review will be held on January 26th at the Manila Stake Center. Candidates and families should arrive at 7pm. Board members should arrive at 6:30pm for a brief review and jumping into the documents. A current scout leader should also come at 7pm to introduce the scout to the board. 

Each ward with an eagle candidate should provide two board members per candidate.  Board members do not need to be experienced scouters. 

Andrew Lundgren in the 12th ward and Brad Lindsey in the 3rd ward work with candidates and eagle coaches to make sure the paperwork is correct.