April 25, 2016

Boot Camp Leadership Campout

Friday April 23rd is a Boot Camp Leadership Camp for all Boot Camp Council Members, Zone Leaders, and Zone Advisors. 

Where will we be? 
The camp will be at the Willow Park campground in Lehi, just west of Willow Creek middle school.

How will we get there?
We would ask the Zone Advisors to make arrangements to get the Zone Leaders to the camp. Remember two deep leadership. Additionally, please file an activity plan with your own wards for the travel. Please arrive at the at the park by 6pm on Friday. 

What do I need to bring? 
Bring a dinner for Friday night. There will be campfires if you want to cook, bring something from home, or buy something on your way there. Breakfast and treats will be provided.

Also bring - 
A marshmallow roasting stick, or a way to make one.

A sleeping bag and pad

A tent. If you have a buddy going, you are welcome to share. We would ask zone advisors to help make sure the boys in their ward have a place to sleep.

Warm, dry night clothes

Rain gear, like a pancho and umbrella. It is probably going to rain on us - which will make the camp much more memorable. 

A flashlight or headlamp

A notebook and something to write with. 

Scriptures (Electronic or otherwise. You probably don't want to bring your nice leatherbound set.) 

What facilities are available? 
There are restrooms close to the camp. 
There is no power. 

What will we be doing? 
We will be playing lots of games with a purpose. Besides having fun, we hope to get to know one another better, learn about our responsibilities at boot camp, and practice leading reflections.

What time will we finish? 
You should be home before noon on Saturday. 

Can I leave early? 
Yes. We encourage you to stay the whole time, but parents are welcome to come pick their sons up any time. Please let one of the Stake YM Presidency know when you come get them so we can account for everyone. 

Multi-Stake Dance - Disney Theme

The Stake Youth Council is sponsoring a multi-stake dance on Saturday, April 30th, starting at 8:00pm. The dance will be Disney themed. Besides dancing, there will be games and a photo booth. Each ward is asked to provide two chaperones for the evening. 

April 17, 2016


Dennis Muhlestein from the 12th ward will present the Chess merit badge during the roundup April 23, at 10:15am, at the Mahogany building. Please bring chess set with you, if possible. 

Citizenship in the World

The Citizenship in the World merit badge will be presented by Eric Goodrich in the 10th ward, starting at 10:15am in the Mahogany building. Brother Goodrich has indicated that one of the requirements should be completed beforehand - 

7. Do TWO of the following and share with your counselor what you have learned:
a. Visit the Web site (With your parent/guardian's permission) of the U.S. State Department. Learn more about an issue you find interesting that is discussed on this Web site.b. Visit the Web site (With your parent/guardian's permission) of an international news organization or foreign government, OR examine a foreign newspaper available at your local library, bookstore, or newsstand. Find a news story about a human right realized in the United States that is not recognized in another country.c. Visit with a student or Scout from another country and discuss the typical values, holidays, ethnic foods, and traditions practiced or enjoyed there.d. Attend a world Scout jamboree.e. Participate in or attend an international event in your area, such as an ethnic festival, concert, or play.
Please contact Brother Goodrich if you have questions. His contact information is available in the directory on lds.org.

April 12, 2016


Please spread the word to the Manila Stake youth regarding an upcoming morning side at the chapel just south of AFHS.

Under the direction of President Mark Ivins, the American Fork East Stake will host the final Seminary Morning side for this school year, April 22nd at 6:30 am at the church just South of the American Fork High School ( next to the driving range ).

The speaker will be David Litchford.  He is a professor at UVU. His topic is Standing Firm in the Faith. 

April 7, 2016

Sustainability Merit Badge

The Sustainability merit badge will be taught by Spencer Clements from the 9th ward. Please bring paper and something to write with to the merit badge class.

Prerequisites are:

  • 1
  • 2 Water a
  • 2 Food a
  • 2 energy b or c
  • 2 stuff a
  • 4
  • 5

We will cover during the roundup:
  • 2 water B
  • 2 Food b & c
  • 2 community a & b
  • 2 energy a
  • 2 stuff c
  • 3 a & b
  • 6

If the boys are told soon, they can do all of the prerequisites in a FHE.
They will need to track expenses, and food consumption for 2 weeks.
They need to track water bills for 1 month after the FHE as they try to reduce water consumption.

It really is a great merit badge. 

If you have questions about the prerequisites, please contact Brother Spencer. His contact information is on lds.org.

April 6, 2016

Life to Eagle Fireside

There will be a Life to Eagle fireside on Sunday April 24th, at 6:30pm, in the Mahogany building. The meeting will briefly cover the eagle process, and then talk mostly about what makes a good eagle project. Ward and district eagle coaches will be available to talk with the young men on an individual basis to help them vet eagle ideas. Bring your ideas for an eagle project.