August 6, 2015

Merit Badge Roundup - August

The 11th ward will be teaching the Photography Merit Badge on August 22 at the Stake Center. Donuts will be served. Brother Shane Christiansen will be leading the course. 

The boys need to bring a camera (SLR, digital point & shoot or smartphone with camera), the photography merit badge work sheet, a signed blue card and a pencil or pen. They need to come with requirement 4 (below, 4b is prefered) completed. They can assume that their topics have been pre approved, and if they do not create a poster board with printed pictures please have them bring a disc with their pictures in JPEG format or if they have a computer just have them ready for viewing. We will do this requirement again after the photography instruction as a part of our practical exercise so they can see the difference in their pictures.
4. Do ONE of the following:
a. Produce a picture story using the photojournalistic technique of documenting an event. Share your plan with your counselor and get your counselor's input and approval before you proceed. Then, using either a film camera or a digital camera, produce your approved picture story. Process your images and select eight to 12 images that best tell your story. Arrange your images in order, then mount the prints on a poster board. If you are using digital images, you may create a slide show on your computer or produce printouts for your poster board. Share your picture story with your counselor.
b. Choose a topic that interests you to photograph for an exhibit or display. Get your counselor's approval, then photograph (digital or film) your topic. Process your images. Choose 20 of your favorite images and mount them on poster board. Share your display with your counselor. If you are using digital images, you may create a slide show on your computer or produce printouts for your poster board.

August 4, 2015

Senior Breakfast 2015

All youth starting their senior year are invited to have breakfast with the stake presidency August 22 at 8:30am at the pavilion adjacent to the Mahogany building. Casual attire.

Brother Jepsen and Rawlings - Camp chefs
Scott Lee - Paper products, Bacon
Stake YW Presidency - French Toast,  Drinks

Stake Youth Committee - August 2015

The last meeting for current Stake Youth Committee will be on August 13th, 6pm, in the Relief Society Room of the stake center. We will enjoy some ice cream as we reflect on the things learned through the year, and make suggestions that might help the incoming committee.